Gopher screenings 

Our local experts maximize use-able land while abiding with Thurston County screening protocols and procedures. Family owned and operated in Washington state since 2004.

Thurston County

Property owner tips for development

It doesn't hurt to contact us if concerned about soil types.

We are on the WDFW referral list as an expedient option for screening.

A standard screening requires two site visits.


Mazama Pocket Gopher (MPG)

The Mazama Pocket Gopher is a species under the Federal Threatened Species Act (ESA). If the MPG’s preferred soil type has been mapped on your property, a site evaluation will be required as a permit condition.


Habitat Conservation Plan

EnviroVector has been performing Mazama pocket gopher studies and preparing Mazama Pocket Gopher reports since 2004, prior to State and Federal listings as a threatened species.


Gopher Information

Mazama pocket gophers are small (body ~5.5 in) fossorial (live in underground burrows) rodents. The Mazama pocket gopher produces characteristically crescent-shaped mounds of soil above the ground.

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